Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The request of King Solomon



Today I am going to share my thoughts on the Bible:
May all who read it learn something, all glory and praise goes to our lord Jesus Christ.

Deep calle'th the deep. Praise the Lord! revealation after revealation is just coming to me everyday through the Word of God. Today another secret has been revealed. The verse which I have read a few times now shows me something else.

I refer to 2 Chrinicals 1:7. When God asked The son on David, Solomon what he wanted from God. King Solomon asked the Lord to fulfill his promise which God gave to his father David. God had made Solomon king of the people, countless of people so he asked for wisdom and knowladge so he can rule over the people (which he also gave no glory to himself, but all glory to God when he said "...to rule over these great people of YOURS). The Lord then replied to Solomon saying (and this is the part which opened my eyes) "you have made the right choice, you DID NOT ask for WEALTH, TREASURES, FAME, THE DEATH OF YOUR ENEMIES or even a LONG LIFE for yourself, instead you have asked for wisdom and knowladge that you can rule my people, of whom I have made you king. So God gave him what Solomon wished for and I additional everything else which he didn't wish for as well (which is of the human desire and fit for any king).

Isn't Wealth, treasures, fame, death to all our enemies and long life what we always wish for? But lesson learned today, even the great king needed wisdom and knowladge when dealing with politics, work, social life, royality standards rather then all the above shows that wisdom and knowladge are THE ROOT that surpasses them all. How good to be equipped with wisdom and knowladge when we are facing the world and life. How GREATER is it, when this wisdom and knowladge comes from the source of the Holy Spirit then?

Paris the Lord! For Today I know what to ask of the Lord, and know what pleases Him.

Mike Cheong

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