Monday, June 11, 2012

A mystery so real

A mystery so real

For you are a light unto my feet
You illuminate my path,
You make me walk on straight passage ways,
Even in the darkest dungeons I won't be afraid.

You are like water to my soul,
Most holy spirit,
Thou proceeds from the ancient of days,
Sovereign powerful utmost says,

Whispers of the green trees along the lily paths,
Cedars of Lebanon I have never seen,
The mighty oak so strong and tough,
As gentle as a lamb as fierce as a lion,

Both anointed in water and in fire,
An unsung hero amids the people,
Who stood up among them to be counted for,
Counted for everyone because of Love,

How sickening and defying was He,
How could he do that without our permission?
What made him think he was worthy to take our place?
It was He who had sent Him alone who decided His worth
So ponder as we cry and we pray,

Many people hope for the day,
Where we die then He we shall meet,
Either to sing with joy or weep at His feet,
Your Love awakes me every morning,

I sing psalms of your protection over me,
I sing the joy of your Love over me,
Never have I felt Love like this,
Love that is equivalent to freedom, power and justice,
Love that does not bind and put you in shackles,
Love that does not hate,
Love that does not lie,
Love that is innocent and pure,

Disgusting! I find it hard to believe,
To become a believer of Love that I never knew exist,
Never have I felt anyone who can give and provide this "love",
Until I found my Lover of my soul,

Forever true and faithful,
How can it be?
Till now, all still mysterious to me,
All still so mysterious but real to me.

Mike Cheong

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