Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mikes Psalm to the Lord 1

Mikes Psalm to the Lord 1

I praise the Lord with songs of Joy
I praise the Lord with gladness
When I look upon my problems with joy
My enemies tremble in fear

Who can be like the God almighty
who can be like the Price of Peace
Hate and Darkness hides in the shadows
When the lamb of God comes like a lamp

Woe to thee who think's they can challenge Him
He humbles the proud, yet raises the weak
The voice of the slaves He has heard their cries
He also hears the people coming home saying their byes

I praise the Lord with Songs
Sound the trumpets, shred the guitars
Thunder the drums and clash the cymbals
For the day of the Lord is at hand

For which he rises from, no one knows
When the time comes, all those fleeting knows
For the warrior divine will come in the mid's of His army
During the day of battle, there's already a cry of victory

Mike Cheong

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Is there anyone I can trust

Is there anyone I can trust?

All I can feel, I only can write
I feel this is the only escape besides confiding in God
Because people only listen with a smile
But in their hearts, they judge while they smile

Who can be the judge except God Almighty?
Who can condemn or raise?
I am a speaker of my own feelings
No one will stand up for me with my intentions

Beware, the one that stands for you
Might hold "that" against - and blackmail you
So like a roaring tiger that roams the jungle
The one you thought a strong pillar, you might stumble

Hear and listen, they play their perfect parts
But has a deep secret agenda in their hearts
Their smile and words contrast their motives
Shades of deep blue, and dark red explosives

Is there no one I can trust but my God?
Is there no sincere person that won't use my words against me?
Not yet with their smiles,
But the future, who can tell?

I wish to have a faith like a child
But during the growing years that feelings seems like a mile
Light the candle and shall it burn
So will trust and childlike faith I never wished I learn

Mike Cheong

Blue Skies

Blue Skies
Sometimes I feel the world is so beautiful
Watching the sunrise from a distant land
Knowing that my loved ones
Will also stare at the same blue skies I am staring at right now

Can they see the beautiful clouds
The formation they had created, is a marvel
The birds that fly in the sky looks so free
They just travel along and glide with open wings

I hope my loved ones saw and smiled
Because that's what I did just awhile
When I see that shining sun
I will be there someday very soon
I will be there, one day...very soon

Mike Cheong

Song of a dark night

Song of a dark night

Oh why, oh why
Do people smile
Do they do that once in a while?

Why that look upon that happy face
When all in the heart have fallen from grace

To see a smile when you see someone
But the heart, the black heart full of deceit and hate
To give a flower
Instead of your heart felt hate

I sing for joy and peace in the world
But do they listen?
Do they ever hear?
My song is like a train deep in the night
When it comes a'callin
No one hears it calling
They are drinking in the tavern
They are sleeping in their beds
They are bidding behind their doors
To see who gets the most heads
No one hears it coming
But it brings smoking fire a'burning

The chime is ringing
Time of dawn is almost near
Will the smiles of the fake wake up
And realize who they truly are
And awaken that sleeping person within you
And find out your true being
Chain that beast of suffering and put it away
Walk down heavens way

Mike Cheong

Mike Cheong

Friday, April 13, 2012


Sometimes I cannot understand the deep intentions of a man
He sometimes think of the needs and wants of each of his own
When he wants something, he will get it
He gets thinking, and cooks up all kinds of ways and different routes to get to his goals
But to each man, his selfishness reigns
Each man loves to dominate and manipulate the other man to get what they want
Some wants to use, some abused, some want to be abused
Their senses,
It takes control of them
It is like a hand, toying them, like a puppet play
The real intention,
The hand which drives their senses and motivates them
They smile and yet they have deep intentions
Deep motivations
Sick goals
Children are so innocent
Alas, how the big picture looks at them
All growing up into the traditions of man
All growing into the process of using and abusing

Monday, April 9, 2012


Welcome to this blog of mine. Here is a space, a platform, a world where I created to be "mine" and call it my own....One step further then a blog. This is where the colour of the rainbow in my mind, including shades of white, grey and black are put together. These are my thoughts, random or not....they are the depth of my ever swirling mind.
Expect poems - of a symphony of darkness and light comes to join hands together. Life lessons and thoughts about things. An explosion - a quite explosion of happiness, joy, anger, disgust and boredom.