Sunday, April 22, 2012

Is there anyone I can trust

Is there anyone I can trust?

All I can feel, I only can write
I feel this is the only escape besides confiding in God
Because people only listen with a smile
But in their hearts, they judge while they smile

Who can be the judge except God Almighty?
Who can condemn or raise?
I am a speaker of my own feelings
No one will stand up for me with my intentions

Beware, the one that stands for you
Might hold "that" against - and blackmail you
So like a roaring tiger that roams the jungle
The one you thought a strong pillar, you might stumble

Hear and listen, they play their perfect parts
But has a deep secret agenda in their hearts
Their smile and words contrast their motives
Shades of deep blue, and dark red explosives

Is there no one I can trust but my God?
Is there no sincere person that won't use my words against me?
Not yet with their smiles,
But the future, who can tell?

I wish to have a faith like a child
But during the growing years that feelings seems like a mile
Light the candle and shall it burn
So will trust and childlike faith I never wished I learn

Mike Cheong

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